The Order Of Assassins -- Serial Killers🗡️ who Terrorized the Medieval World 🌎

Natasha Matloob
8 min readJun 30, 2021


The medieval Muslim World is known for the development of arts and sciences. Muslim empires of the Middle Ages were the hub of science, arts, and technology, and the entire world gained knowledge📜📘 from Muslim scholars and scientists. Al-Ghazali(1058-1111 AD), Omer Khayyam (1048-1131 AD), and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jelani(1078-1166 AD) and many other Muslim scholars and scientists had done such great services for mankind which are remembered even today.

While development in science and technology was a paramount feature of the Medieval Muslim world, some dark and deep things are also connected with it. Throughout human history, many secretive and appalling orders have been terrorizing the common people for specific interests. Examples of such orders include the Black Hand, Teutonic, Illuminati, and other notable examples. Such frightful military orders were a major part of medieval society as well.

Hassan bin Sabah

Hassan Bin Sabah(1050-1124 AD) was a renowned figure of the late 11th and early 12th century AD.

An Overview of Nizari Ismaili Sect

The Schism in Islam started in 632 AD after the death of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W). Two branches were made in Islam, i.e., the Shia and the Sunni branches over succession. Later, the Shia branch further split and a group of them, under their leader Ismail, broke off and became known as Ismaili Shi’as.

Later in 1095 AD, an Ismaili prince Nizar who was in the line of succession of the Fatimid Empire was executed. His followers further made a branch in the Ismaili Shia sect i.e. Nizari Ismailis. The first leader of this branch was Hassan bin Sabah.

Early Life of Hassan

Hassan was born in Qom(Iran) in a Twelver Shia family of Muslims. He spent his childhood in Rayy and Qom and his youth in Cairo. At that time, Cairo was the hub of the Ismaili movement. Hassan also converted to the Ismaili sect. Later he traveled to Egypt, Damascus, Palestine, Isfahan, and the entire of Persia. He became an expert in palmistry, languages, philosophy, maths, astronomy, alchemy, medicine, and architecture. He was a brave man. He started preaching his teachings and the followers of his teachings later came to be known as the Nizari Ismailis.

At that time, the famous city of Cairo was not under the control of the Abbasid caliphate. Adherents of the Nizari Ismaili Shia sect of Muslims started living there. These people were liberal and had a happy-go-lucky sort of living style. They started preaching their teachings in middle eastern areas. A suspicious, weird but yet real story has been associated with them and the major character of that story was Hassan Bin Sabbah.

Hassan’s Political and Religious Career

Once, Hassan boasted in front of his friends during a dinner that if he would be given half a dozen devoted people, he could rule the entire world. At this, his friends mocked him and one of his friends gave him a saffron mixed drug which was considered the treatment for madness at that time. After some years, when Hassan rose to power, he sent a letter to that friend in which was written:

Now tell me who is a lunatic!

By that time, Hassan had made many of his predictions somewhat true.

Hassan by that time had founded the Nizari Ismaili sect of Shia Muslims after taking control of the Alamut Castle(in Today’s Iran) in 1090 AD. This castle was also called Eagles Teaching Fort. This castle became the headquarter of Naziri Ismailis and their activities spread throughout most of Syria and Persia. Many more castles🏰 came to their control in the years to come like the castles of Masyaf, Al Kahf, Al Qubays, and Al Cadmus.

Teachings of Hassan and Structure of Assassin’s Organization

Hassan had an attractive and charming personality. To achieve what he wanted, he gathered a group of devotees by preaching a simple formula:

Nothing is right in this world. Everything is legal in this world.

His team consisted of three groups-- Dai(missionary), Rafik (comrade), and Friday. The main power of the team was its military group -Fidaii which was also called "Hashshashin" (Assassins). Assassins were the expert serial killers of the Nizari Ismaili sect.

Young assassins used to regard Hassan as their savior and respect him more than all the religious personalities of all religions. However, nobody was aware of Hassan’s actual aims and plans. Hassan wanted to rule the entire world on the foundations of horror and fear. Thus, he started a regular expedition to murder and terrorize people. Anyone, who opposed him or his teachings was murdered by his assassins.

Tactics of murdering used by the assassins

The assassins used to wear white garments with a red belt on their waistline in which they tied two sharp knives. All assassins were young adults.

Hassan made them addicts of Hashish (a drug) and opium in such a way that they became mere toys in his hands. He used to teach them that death is just a transition from this cruel world to heaven. To make his teachings and arguments more compelling, he also made artificial heaven to demonstrate how they would live in the world hereafter. In his Alamut castle, he made a beautiful garden where he got planted beautiful and exotic plants and trees. A stream of alcohol also flowed into this heaven. He gathered musicians there whose melodious songs and rhythms were mesmerizing. When assassins go there in the intoxication of opium and other drugs, young and beautiful girls used to seduce them. After spending two to three days there, assassins were assigned the task to murder the target person. It was made sure before sending assassins to any mission that they were well drunk.

Three assassins were appointed to kill one person and they used to kill the desired person in the mosque or any public area so that their terror spreads manifold. One assassin used to attack first and if somehow he failed, the other two fulfilled the task in the hustle-bustle, and then all used to flee away. Assassins were not afraid of death, and that’s why they never failed in their task. Moreover, there was also no special protocol culture at that time, thus it became easier for assassins to murder any leader or scholar.

The key safety tactic of Hassan was to build castles on mountains. He took many castles from his enemies and built some new ones also. That’s why he was called “Sheikh ul Jabbal”(The old man of the mountains) by Marco Polo.

Victims of Assassins

The first person to be killed by Hassan’s brutality was one of the wisest persons in the Islamic world--Nizam ul Mulk. He was the vizier of the Seljuk Sultanate. The Seljuk sultanate fragmented after the assassination of Nizam ul Mulk in 1092 AD. After that, assassins never stopped. Hassan took advantage of the tensions that arose due to the fragmentation of the Seljuk empire and established the foundations of his own rule. After that Jannah ud Dawla who was the Seljuk emir of Homs was assassinated in 1103 AD. Then, Atabeg of Mosul Mawdud ibn e Altuntush was murdered in 1113 AD. This murder spread their terror all around.

A Fatimid Vizier of Egypt Al Afzal Shanshah was murdered in 1121 AD. Atabeg of Damascus Taj Al Muluk Buri was assassinated in 1132 AD. Another Atabeg of Mosul Qasim Al Dawla Said ud Din was also murdered by them. 29th Abbasid caliph Al Mustarshid Billah and his son the 30th Abbasid caliph Al Rashid Billah were also assassinated in 1135 AD and 1138 AD respectively by assassins. People started agreeing and supporting the assassins to save their lives and Hassan was quite happy at this. The Tenth Fatimid caliph and 20 the imam of the Mustali Ismaili sect Abu Ali Al Mansur ibn Al Mustali was also murdered by them in 1130 AD.

Ayyubid Sultan Salah ud din Ayyubi was also attempted to be assassinated by them twice but fortunately, he escaped both times. In the first attempt, three Assassins attempted to murder Salah ud Din ayyubi in his camp despite the tough security, however, the sultan killed one of them and others were arrested. After that, a chill of horror spread in his army, and his security was made more serious but still, once again assassins broke into his camp and fixed their signature style daggers and warning letter on his bed. Sultan Ayyubi had besieged the Masyaf castle of assassins. That’s why they warned him to finish the siege. After the second attempt, Sultan finished the siege.

The fear of assassins was so widespread that if anyone ever dared to talk against them, assassins go to that person secretly at night and fix two daggers🔪🗡️ and a warning letter on his bed. This was so horrifying for the people that they never spoke against assassins anymore.

Crusaders also feared them because they had killed many famous Christian leaders. Count of Tripoli, Raymond 2 was the first Christian leader to be murdered by them in 1151 AD. Other famous Christian victims of Assassin were Lord of Tyre and Phillip of Montfort in 1270 AD. Conrad of Montferrat who played a major role in the 3rd crusade and was the king of Jerusalem also fell prey to their daggers in 1192. AD.

In a nutshell, the order of assassins terrorized the biggest powers of that time i.e. the Seljuk Empire, Ayyubid Empire, Abbasid Caliphate, Fatimid Caliphate, and the Crusaders. Any leader or scholar who opposed them had to lick the dust.

Other Famous Leaders of Nizari Ismailis

By the time of his death, Hassan had consolidated his power from Samarkand to Cairo. After his death, another ``Sheikh ul Jabbal" assumed his throne. Kiya Buzurg Ummid succeeded Hassan in Alamut castle after his death in 1124 AD. He added Lambsar Castle to the possession of Nizari Ismailis. The assassination rate was also reduced during his reign. After he died in1138 AD, his son Muhammad Ibn e Buzurg succeeded and ruled until 1162 AD. Then, Hassan 2 of Alamut(son of Muhammad Ibn e Buzurg) succeeded.

In Syria, Daii of the Nizari Ismaili sect were regularly appointed to preach their cause. Famous physician and astrologer Al-Hakim al-Munajim was the first day to be appointed in Syria from Alamut Castle. Abu Tahir Al Saigh who was professionally a goldsmith was the second Da in Syria. After him, Bahram Al Dai and Rashid al-Din Sinan were respectively appointed in Syria.

Later, Mongol invasions disrupted their rule. Mongols captured many important castles of Assassins one by one. At last, Mongol invader Halaku Khan finished them before sacking Baghdad and demolishing Abbasid Caliphate. However, the political influence of Nazari Ismailis is present still today and they live in many countries in Asia and Africa. They are now the second-largest group of Shia Muslims. However, their special branch "Assassins" was completely wiped out in 1258 AD at the hands of Mongol armies.

Nowadays, many video games are based on assassins such as :

“Assassin’s Creed Identity” is one of the best-selling games. Other popular games are “Hunter Assassin” and “Assassin Master”.



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